Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lights Out Tonight from 8:30 to 9:30

DJ the Sharpshooter

DJ is getting training to be a sharpshooter sniper ranger guy. Stay on his good side!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Riley (Cam) Writing Her First Post

I hope there are many more.

There are some exciting things that are happening! (One) I have a blog now. I've always wanted to have a blog. Well...once I've heard of it. (Two) I'm going to be a flower girl in my uncle's wedding. I've been a flower girl before, but that one was for my "aunt's" wedding. This time it's for my uncle. I can't wait! I already know what dress I'm probably going to wear. It's really pretty! (Three) I'm almost done with The Series of Unfortunate Events. I only have 3 books left! Right now I'm on book ten. I have the next 2 waiting for me to read them at home.I got them at the library. mom got them for me. But that's okay because I can still read them!

Sam's Reading Adventure by Riley Borklund

Here's a story by Riley that she wrote for an assignment at school. The assignment was to write a short story and to mention the name of the school. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Chicken Pot Pie a success, sort of

The top crust didn't cooperate but the pie was delicious. DJ and I made Chicken Pot Pie IV from It was fast and easy.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


DJ and Holden and I went with Uncle Roy on his yacht. We putted out to the oil rigs and then back to Oxnard harbor.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tet Festival

The people at the Tet Festival sent me this picture they took of me with the Miss Vietnam contestants.