Friday, April 30, 2010

Chinese Hot Pot

We are eating Chinese Hot Pot, a mix a various meats, seafood, vegetables, lettuces, balls, and some pasta in boiling cauldron in the center or the table. The sauces served on the side include hot chili oil, sesame, tofu, garlic, and onion.

I think DJ's favorite class is Shop

Look at DJ trying not to smile as he stands in front of a giant disc sander. Last night was Open House at the Brea Junior High School. It's just like it was in 1982 except smaller...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Iced Coffee in 1945 Life Magazine

Check out this ad from at 1945 Life Magazine that we saw today at the Upland Lemon Festival.

Everyone knows I love iced coffee, but if just order iced coffee somewhere they don't make it right. When I go to Starbucks*, I order a Tall-Drip-No-Room-With-a-Venti-Cup-of-Ice. I had to discover how to make it right on my own, but this ad shows how to make it right and it's from 1945! It would be so cool to go back to 1945 and order an iced coffee at a soda shop or something.

*It says double strength in the ad, which is just normal brewed coffee strength at Starbucks.
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Great Baja Story on This American Life

There is a great story on This American Life about a rescue in Baja California. It takes place in cities we stop in on the way down to my Mom's palapa.

Riley the Writer

We went to Spaghetti Factory with my Dad and Cindy for pictures and dinner. The only good shot I got with my Droid is this one of Riley who usually writes while she waits. Look at those eyes!
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Friday, April 23, 2010

Chris Wanzer Turns 37

Celebrating at Jurrasic Restaurant with Chris's friends. This is a picture of his fiancee XioLi.

DJ Amazes Everyone Getting an A+ in Prealgebra

The Third Quarter Report Cards are in. DJ improved his overall grades since second quarter but also got an unprecedented A-plus in Prealgebra. Good job DJ!


Holden having his physical for football.

Holden is signed up for tackle football in the Summer. There is a lot of paperwork and stuff before practices begin. Look for more later on this blog.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Holden and I Are At the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium

This is really cool. We are about to go on a Grunion Run. If you haven't heard of this, Google it. Holden can't wait to get on the beach.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Riley and Holden Square Off in Eating and Wrestling

Riley (8) and Holden (6) first competed against each other eating chili covered tamarind in this video.

Then, in this picture we see Riley and Holden taking their aggression out on each other in a bounce house wrestling match.

Friday, April 9, 2010

We are at the Long Beach Aquarium for Shark Lagoon Night.