Saturday, November 20, 2010


Kids and I saw Annie at the Rose Center Theater. The cast was great as were the sets. Riley liked it the most and asked to get a picture with Annie after the show. The picture came out blurry but I'll post it here anyway. Holden was well behaved because he had a nap before we left home. DJ enjoyed it but he will probably opt out of the next one.The theater is right by our favorite dim sum place so we ate there before the show.

Of course, I was reminded of the period of my life where I was doing one show while rehearsing or auditioning for another. This show had a mixture of adults and kids, just the like the musicals I did. I'm sure the cast went to dinner after the show, putting street clothes on and not being able to calm down for hours after the performance.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This is a video from 2 years ago that many of you have seen already, but I mention it here because it really shows how fast the kids grow up. Holden was trying to keep up with the rhythm with his older brother and sister. Riley had long hair. DJ still performed in his deadpan way. But look! This video went nearly viral with over 2800 views!  I need to post another one just like it with the present-day kids. That would be funny and maybe we would do it every other year until the kids are grown.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

DJ Finally Gets a Pistol

DJ got to fire the pistol he got for his birthday. His grandparents and my friend Jisselle all chipped in so he could get this. It is a Browning Buckmark Camper, a .22 pistol.

Now, he just needs to get his grades up and he can have it back. :-)

Daddy/Daughter Weekend

This weekend was Daddy/Daughter weekend. Each child gets a weekend with me every 12 weeks. Riley and I watched a movie together, had Mexican cocoa, played Scrabble, and read in front of the fire. We also went to dinner with friends where Riley had Korean food for the first time. I am sure we went to Starbucks a couple of times as well. I taught Riley how to boil eggs and make Kraft macaroni and cheese.
This picture was taken today. We went to the Fullerton Arboretum. I have taken DJ and Holden there but never Riley until today.

We had a great time this weekend. Riley is really fun to be around and talk to, especially when her brothers aren't around.

Dustin from his Droid

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Riley is a happy girl.

Riley was quietly reading in a loud restaurant when one of her favorite boy classmates came in with his family and he came over to say hi.

"I knew it was you when I saw the open book", he said.

Dustin from his Droid