Saturday, June 25, 2011

Fathers Day at The Pantry

We got here before 8 but we are still in for a 60 minute wait. I love the breakfasts here but it wasn't my choice; it was Riley's. She wanted to go here when given the choice. This weekend Riley gets to choose what we do and where we eat because of her straight A's.

Great Fathers Day!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Avon the Alien Dog by Riley Borklund

Riley wrote this short story about an alien dog named Avon.

Blast to the Past

We picked up another good investment today at a garage sale. And this one the kids will enjoy. It's the original console of Atari's Asteroids. This was the first arcade game I ever played. Safeway got one at the front of their store soon after I moved To Brea in 1976. It works and is as much of a challenge today as it was 35 years ago.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Riley Scores Straight A's in the Fourth Grade!

Riley, age 9, received straight As for the first time ever, completing the 4th grade with a perfect score.

I am so proud of Riley for doing this. I haven't figured out what we will do this weekend to honor this acheivement but it will be big.

Straight As is hard at any grade. As you can see from Mrs. Whitton's comments, Riley had to get rid of some bad homework habits in order to get all As.

I haven't seen DJ's and Holden's grades yet but I will report them here as well.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Garage Sale Finds

We did the Saturday morning garage sale drive around again this morning. THIS time we got some amazing deals, including a baseball collection for twenty bucks. The kids are going through them now. There are about 3000 cards including a few dozen that are actually worth some money. We also bought a stamp collection for five bucks that had a two dollar bill in it. Riley is in charge of research and is on the Internet now looking up values.

from my Droid