Friday, September 30, 2011

A Nguyen Nguyen Situation

I just had to post this YouTube of a recent marriage proposal that happened at UCLA a few days ago. Let's just say it moved me...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

DJ's Grades

I know it's early in the school year, but DJ is off to an amazing start! High school is where DJ has turned over a new leaf. Look at these grades! PLEASE email DJ or call him and tell him what you think about these grades.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Riley as Goalie

Riley played the second half of her game as Goalie. This was the first game I have seen. She has a new intensity for the game. As Goalie, she had several saves and almost lost one goal but the referee correctly called off-sides so her record is perfect so far.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Goodbye Prius

I sold the Prius. What was amazing is that I sold it in 2 hours. I placed the ad in Craigslist at 6:30 this morning and sold it by 8:30. The guy didn't pick it up until 8 pm but he agreed to buy it at 8:30 am. That's got to be some sort of record.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Custom Motorcycle Helmet by DJ

I bought a Suzuki Burgman 650 Scooter for commuting until I can get my hands on a Prius Plugin which qualifies for carpool lane access. The helmet that came with it was too small for me but fits DJ perfectly. Luckily I had my old HJC helmet from the last time I owned a motorcycle.

My son DJ took my white helmet, cleaned it up, and bought some black Sharpies to draw on it. This masterpiece is the result.

Register Your Target Card

If you have a Target card, please register your card at and choose Riley and Holden's school, Fanning Elementary in Brea, CA as the beneficiary of 1% of your purchases. It costs you nothing, you still get your 5% discount, and you just need to do it once to help out Fanning which has received many budget cuts recently.
Please take a moment to go get your Target credit card and do it now. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's Official. Riley made GATE.

Riley was one of 3 students from her class to be enrolled in the district's Gifted and Talented Education program. Her teacher, Mrs. Whitton, who was also my teacher and DJ's teacher, was so excited that
Riley did it.

If she can remain in the program through her senior year, this could mean great things for Riley's educational future, including college choice and scholarship eligibility. We are very proud of her!

Dustin Borklund

Updated Professsional Photo

On the same day we re-did the Bazooka video, I bought the kids
matching shirts and took them to Sears (yes, I had a coupon) for a
photo session.

Email me if you want a high-res file of this photo for reprints.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Bazooka Bubble Gum 2.0

A few years ago the kids made a video of the song Bazooka Bubble Gum. It has over 3,000 views! Now that they are older I asked them to do it again.