Saturday, March 31, 2012

Holden's Baseball Picture

Holden is in the middle of the baseball season playing for the Brea Angels. We play other cities locally on Thursdays and Saturdays. Holden plays Second Base and Third Base. He often strikes out, but sometimes he gets a hit. Last Saturday he got a 3 RBI hit. Holden is still unsure if he likes baseball or not. He doesn't like coming up to bat because of the attention and how often he strikes out, but we are working on that.

DJ Third Quarter Grades

Finally got around to scanning DJ's third quarter report card for you. For some reason, Chinese is missing but I know he is getting an A. I check in on the high school parent portal every couple of weeks. He has some rewards coming if he can get all As and Bs by the end of the year. I'll let him tell you what they are.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Report Cards, Riley & Holden

Holden and Riley got their second trimester report cards. Both are doing well. Riley is doing exceptionally well.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dim Sum

The kids and I went to Dim Sum again. They were bugging me about it and we were in the area to get haircuts. DJ recognized the store and that was it. We had to go.

DJ wanted some chicken feet but I don't think it was because he really likes chicken feet. I think he was up for a challenge for the shock value. So, yes, he had to eat them all.

If you haven't had them they are in a spicy sauce that takes away any chicken or feet flavor. They are stewed so that the skin and connective tissues are pretty much mushy. You take a bite, work out the bones with your tongue, and eat the rest. The bones are tiny little things. It's one of those dishes that started as a way to use the whole animal and now is a kind of delicacy.

Dustin Borklund