Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day

For Memorial Day, we went to the flag ceremony at Memorial Gardens where my grandparents are buried as well as our old friend Neta Rich. We walked around looking at gravestones then to the masaleum to hear various speakers, including Congressman Ed Royce, talk about the value of veterans and freedom. Over 1200 flags were on display and they added 17 more representing the veterans who have died since the last Memorial Day. It was actually a nice way to celebrate Memorial Day.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


The lighting and focus of this picture is obviously off but it's still a good picture of Holden's natural smile. If he was to pose, it wouldn't look real and this one is not posed.

We went bowling yesterday. Why? Good question. We went bowling yesterday because the night before we saw The Big Lebowski again. It the story of The Dude and how he gets involved in a kidnapping scheme. You need to see it if you haven't. You might want to watch it twice.

The boys bowled one game while I drank a White Russian (you know why if you've seen the movie) and we called each other The Dude a lot. Good times.

Molca Salsa and Starbucks

On a typical weekend morning, whatever kids are with me get up a little early and go to this particular Starbucks on Harbor and Imperial Highway. We do this because it is nearby Molca Salsa, a Mexican drive through restaurant that just happens to have the best machaca burrito around. We haven't weighed it, but it comes in around a pound. It's only $3.50 including tax. The kids order their other breakfast burritos. They are so big that Riley and Holden split one. DJ gets his own. Riley and Holden would always fight over bacon vs. sausage, but DJ had a great solution that results in DJ eating half a sausage burrito and half a bacon burrito with Riley and Holden getting what they want. This is a great way to start the day since we won't be hungry again for at least six hours.

This is DJ at the Starbucks by Molca Salsa. I like how this picture came out. See his hat? He had it made for himself. That's his logo at the top. Logo is not the right word, maybe "brand". It's his screenname on the Steam network, if that means anything to you. He is wearing a jacket that seems to go with his "brand". I brought the jacket back from Ireland and he wears it a lot. Hey, that shirt was once mine too! DJ is getting so big that he can wear most of my stuff! Wow....

Monday, May 7, 2012

Nana and Grandpa Ed visit on thier way to Australia and China

Nana bought an Ipad and stayed with us for a few days while they get ready to travel to Australia to visit Uncle Grant and Aunt Donna and then the four of them will travel to China.

The kids got to spend time with them in the the kids' normal weekend activities of sports, shopping, video games, movies and eating. As usual, there was very little time to relax as Nana and Ed are always on the go, but this was the perfect pace for the kids as they love the nonstop action.

Let's see... In the short time they were here, we watched a movie, went to breakfast at Molcasalsa, got a foot massage, ate Vietnamese, had sushi with David and Vikki and kids, fixed Nana's laptop, went to Riley's soccer game, setup Skype and Facetime on the iPad, went to Holdens batting practice, got wheat grass shots, played basketball, did Starbucks a couple times of course, went to Farrells, and a few other things.

It was nonstop but my mom told me a long time ago to never let anyone tell you to slow down. It is actually good advice. We all had a great weekend and the kids were very happy the entire time.

This picture was taken by Nana's new iPad in Brea Downtown as we had just picked up Holden from a birthday party after eating a big lunch at Octopus Sushi.