Saturday, July 28, 2012

Camping Update

We are camping on the King River in the Navion. More pictures and videos to come later. This is Riley grabbing the one Pepsi each kid is allowed each weekend day.

Mom's Visit

Mom came down from Arizona for a short visit. We were able to get our requisite Chinese foot massage and trip to the casino. She was able to do some shopping, visit her other grandkids, get her nails done, lunch with the girls, get an MRI, and spend lots of time with my kids. On one night, her friend Cindy, Mom and I polished off a magnum of red wine while going through pictures from the seventies and eighties. Then we went to dinner and more wine. Aided by the wine, we laughed a lot and had a great time overall.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Intermission at La Cage Aux Folles

Holden got to see his first musical tonight at the Pantages. No, not Annie, Peter Pan or Mary Poppins. La Cage aux Folles starring George Hamilton. He was obviously the youngest one there.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

San Simeon Part 2

At the San Simeon campground, Riley and Holden made friends with some kids next to us. Ben and Christen sound like they are from Down Under but they claim to be from Thousand Oaks.

Dustin Borklund

New Family Member Ava

We have a new family member as of yesterday. Ava is an Anatolian Shephard we adopted from that breed's rescue society. She is a bit thin now but has been eating like crazy. She gets along with Gunther just fine but she is a bit of an escape artist. We have to be careful not to leave the doors open. Since she is Anatolian like Gunther, she doesn't fetch or chew but she does guard well and has a great personality.

Dustin Borklund

San Simeon State Park

We just got back from an RV trip to San Simeon State Park with our friends, the Pauwels. Riley and all three Pauwels took a Hearst Castle tour while the boys and I watched a movie nearby.
We bought wood and borrowed this wheelbarrow to deliver it. That's Marikje Pauwels in the background.

Holden's Baseball is Over

The coach of Holden's baseball team, the Angels, had some good things to say about Holden's improvement as a player.