Friday, September 21, 2012

Trip in Cherokee Six to Show Low AZ

Last weekend was Holden's weekend and I needed to see my Mom. She had just had a seizure and needed some family around.

I called my Flight Instructor and friend Robert to see if he and his girfriend Kristen would like to fly to Arizona. He said yes.

I called my Uncle Roy to see if he wanted to, too, and he did.

Robert arranged for a 1967 Cherokee 6 and picked up my uncle in Oxnard and then picked up Holden and me in Fullerton and we were off! The flight took four hours due to a headwind but I got to fly the plane the whole time. The Cherokee 6 is just like the plane I trained on, except more powerful.

We went up on Friday and came back on Sunday, stopping at Big Bear Airport to stretch our legs and use the restrooms.

Huntington Beach in the Navion

More than six months ago I reserved a campsite at Bolsa Chica State Beach in Huntington Beach, California just so we would have a weeekend like this. The campsites are close together, but for $68 per night you get beachfront property. You sit outside your RV and watch the runners and bicyclists go by or you step off your "property" and on to the sand to walk to the water. The boys were in the water for hours at a time. The lifeguard was there most of the time and when he wasn't, I took a chair down to the water to watch the boys. Riley didn't arrive until a day later and wasn't interested in swimming in the cold ocean. I did though. I spent about 20 minutes body surfing before I was pooped out. I need to be in better shape if I am going to Boogie Board all day like the kids.
Being on the West Coast, we got to watch the sun set each night over the water. Holden found a tree and each tree must be climbed when you are 8.
The boys were in the water a lot, but when they weren't they were playing in the sand.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Star Testing Reports

The STAR Testing Reports came in for DJ, Riley and Holden. Go ahead and click them.So far so good!