Monday, December 31, 2012

Riley and a Scientist

We had some friends over for New Years Eve. One was Mon, a foresnic scientist who works for the New Mexico Department of Justice. He got Riley to set up her microscope and show him her prepared slides. He was very impressed with her scientific interest and her quality microsope which she got from Granda Buzz for Christmas.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Riley's Giant Gummy Worm

We know Riley is smart, talented and mature for 11, so why was this 3 lb Gummy Bear on her Amazon Wish List? Because she can also have fun and there is a kid inside this kid. Uncle Roy and Aunt Kristy bought it for Riley for Christmas. It's 4000 calories of deliciousness, according to Riley.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Riley Makes Honor Roll. Holden Outstanding.

The trimester grades came in for Riley and Holden. Riley made the Honor Roll with Straight As! Holden got a record 4 out of 5 possible O's for Outstanding.

This translates into cash for each of them. $60 for Riley and $40 for Holden. I told them at the beginning of the year that I would pay $10 for As or Os each trimester.

I don't regret that deal one bit. Well worth it.

DJ has an even better deal because he's on the semester program. Details will follow when his semester grades come out.

DJ + Lexi

Here is DJ and his girlfriend Lexi today at Disneyland.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Thundercats Out of Playoffs

Riley played her final playoff game with the Brea Thundercats last weekend. After the game, the coach treated the team to dinner at his brother's restaurant and dessert at Yogurtland. The Thundercats didn't win a playoff game but you've never seen more enthusiastic girls.

Riley as Osiris

Today, Riley was playing Osiris in a Walk Through Ancient World for school. She was in a skit where she said, "There was a short period of monotheism."  I wasn't there but I am sure it was quite convincing.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Riley, soloist

There is normally nothing worse than an elementary school band concert. 150 kids with no real music ability and 500 parents sitting in the stands politely applauding after every 15 second piece. However tonight, Riley Borklund played Amazing Grace on the clarinet to a stunned crowd. I think she was the only soloist that hit every note and beat. Oh yeah, and she's my daughter. Way to go Riley!


Friday, December 7, 2012

Brea Tree Lighting Ceremony

I always dread going and then after, I am always glad we went. I am writing about the annual Brea Tree-lighting Ceremony. They took out the word Christmas a long time ago and use the word holiday whenever possible. The kids choir sang "We wish you a Merry holidays" and Santa showed up in the fire truck after the Mayor Protem took a fake phone call from him. All in all a very campy, cute Brea event and just what we expected. That's why we go every year.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Shooting in Arizona

DJ borrowed his Nana's Glock to get some shooting practice in. Arizona is nice because you can shoot nearly anywhere that is safe and away from structures. In California we would probably be arrested.

DJ and Holden Skateboard in Arizona

DJ teaches Holden to ride skateboards. DJ was first to get a Penny skateboard and Holden had to get a similar one. Now they are both pretty good, using it for primary transportation. This shot was during the recent trip to Arizona.

YFU Lunch in Little Saigon

Another volunteer and I took 3 students, Holden and Huong to Little Saigon. I set it up because one of the YFU students I met at the last student meeting was Vietnamese but had never been to Little Saigon. It would be like if someone sent me to a foreign country for 9 months and never took me to Little California where I could eat at In-N-Out and shop at Trader Joes.