Sunday, June 23, 2013

Early Birthday Party

Huong arranged a hot pot dinner at home with some friends and family to celebrate my birthday. Thanks Huong!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Holden Aviator

Holden got to fly in a flight simulator at a birthday party. I thought it was cool enough that I signed up for a 90 minute combat experience in a fighter jet simulator this coming Wednesday.

Riley Graduates Fanning with Honors

Riley and these other smart girls graduated Fanning last Friday. These are her best school friends Noellani and Maya. Riley earned straight A's again from my former 6th grade teacher, Ms. Ladebauche, who retires this year.

In the Fall, all three Borklund kids will be in different Brea schools.

DJ in ER

DJ had chest pains when he exerted himself - so bad that it would bring him to his knees. I initially tried to get him seen at Kaiser in Brea but they turned him amd his mom away (!) because we had no appointment so I picked him up and took him to the ER thirty minutes away. They did an EKG and chest x-ray and it turns out it is not serious. It will go away after taking prescription Motrin for a few days. He is fine.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Man Of Steel

We saw Man Of Steel today hoping for the best. Two and a half hours later, we were not impressed. DJ made this Instagram to show how he feels. You can see DJ's entire Instagram collection here (NSFW).

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Picture Day

We had a family picture day last weekend. In the typical cost concious and rushed way I do things, I bought a Groupon for a Target photo studio, had all the kids wear jeans, arrived at Target thirty minutes early, bought polos for everyone and took pictures. We were out of there in under an hour.

For posterity purposes, these are the ages on Picture Day:  DJ (15), Riley (11) and Holden (9).

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Huong Birthday

This picture is one of those shots someone took in between the posed shots that actually shows the laughter in a way the posed shots don't.

Houng had a birthday last Saturday and we invited her sister, Marion and her husband, Michael, along with their two boys, Michael and Darwin. I cooked most of the food and made some experimental cocktails. The kids had friends over as well, and our other friends Chris and Vicky brought an ice cream cake.

Having Huong's relatives over was kind of a big deal, so I am glad it went well.