Thursday, October 31, 2013

Stay Off The Sidewalks

DJ was the first new driver at the Fullerton DMV this morning so now he gets to drive his new Camry alone. I thought he was going to ace the test but he ended up one point away from failing. I attribute it to nerves and perhaps overconfidence because he is a good driver for his age.

Riley Face Off

Riley's costume this year was mostly make-up.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

My Little Man Turns 16

Yesterday DJ turned 16 years old. Yes time flies but more importantly DJ has turned out to be a person of excellent character.

First High School Gig

Riley had her first high school gig as a band member last Friday night. The Brea Junior High band was invited to play with the big kids during a real Varsity game. Here is a short video. Riley is in the center.

Holden's Team Finally Won a Game

Holden's football team, the Brea Wildcats, finally won their first game last Saturday 7-6. This was their victory cheer. You can't see Holden well but he is number 9.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Motorcycle Ride

Riley and I went on a long ride with her friend Tessa and Tessa's dad, Brian. First we went to an Orange County motorcyle culture exhibit at a museum. Then we rode to Silverado in the rural center of the OC. We had a burger at Cook's Corner and took streets home. It was a beautiful ride.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Holden is a Little Scholar

Holden was honored tonight at a ceremony following football practice. Pop Warner recognizes academic achievement in its players. Holden was one of three kids in his division to achieve Platinum status due to his excellent grades despite playing football nearly every school night.