Thursday, December 26, 2013

RIP Gunther Borklund

We had to put Gunther to sleep today. He had too many illnesses and was in too much pain to suffer another day. He was a great dog the entire time he was with us. To Riley and Holden, Gunther always existed. To DJ, it was the second dog that had to be put down. We all went to the shelter as a family to see him off. It was sad but he is no longer in pain. Originally, we were going to walk the kennels to look for our next family member, but we changed our minds after we said goodbye to Gunther. It just didn't seem right.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

DJ's Tribute to Apocalypse Now On Youtube

DJ (aka Boswell) made a video as a tribute to the opening scene in Apocalypse Now. It's funny and weird at the same time. I think we all have the same sense of humor. DJ is trying to submit it to the Brea Film Festival for consideration.

Holden Got Straight As

Holden is in the 4th grade and the first trimester grades just came out. I was shocked to see that Holden earned an A grade in every subject. I sometimes ask him about his homework and occasionally help him with it but it's rare. When he handed me the sealed envelope I expected to see the normal mix of very good and very bad that you would see in a kid with ADHD. However, somehow Holden managed to excel in every subject. For each A he earns $10 so I had to give him $50 on Friday. Money well spent.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Brea Wildcats Party

Holden had his end of season football party at a club house in Brea. This video shows Holden receiving his participation award and shaking hands with the coaches. The season was a losing season and Holden didn't get enough action, but the coaches and team mom were great. We are hoping that next year Holden will be in a division that is more appropriate to his size. Holden weighs about 69 lbs and due to strange circumstances was moved up a division to play against players over 100 lbs. He never complained and wants to play again.