Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Riley Scores Five As

Riley earned $150 for getting five As in her 8th grade first semester report card. I can't believe she didn't get an A in PE of all things. Who doesn't get an A in PE? If she is going to get one B, I would rather it be in PE than any other class, so I'm happy. Straight As are a definite possibility by school year end.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

DJ First Stage Appearance

DJ and his singing partner Rebecca landed third place in a talent show called Brea Idol.

Here's the video.

And here is the program:

DJ goes by Boswell at school. No last name....

Riley Makes First Chair

Everyone who knows Riley knows she loves being in band in she loves the trombone. It seems like all of Riley's life events this year have been surrounding the trombone!

She got a P-bone - a plastic practice trombone that has amazingly good sound. The one Riley plays belongs to the school.
She visit and applied to the Orange County School of the Arts. We are waiting for the audition date.
She got a personal trombone teacher, Amy Bowers.
She got a new mouthpiece which works in both trombones and is the right size for her mouth.
At some point, she got trombone earrings.

That's a lot for a 3rd Chair Trombonist in a public middle school, but that didn't concern Riley. She  has been practicing her trombone every day in BJH Band and at home.

Last week, it finally happened. The band teacher held evaluations and Riley went from Third Chair to First Chair just like that. All I can say is that she earned it!