Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

We just finished an extended Memorial Day weekend with my Mom, her husband Ed, my three kids and several of my Mom's friends.
We camped at Lake Roosevelt, Arizona. Best part was watching the kids kneeboard. I also got to make Mexican Rice and quesadillas for my contribution one night. Met some new people and got the quality time with Mom and her with her grandchildren.
The drive up was fine. We played enough car games that the kids stayed well behaved for all 7 hours or so. Coming back we broke up the trip by staying at the Blue Water Casino in Parker. Don't stay there until you talk to me first.
Back home I made blackened salmon atop Caesar salad. The kids ate all of it! I need to write that one down.
I have 30 minutes of video to piece together into something interesting and I will post a link here when it's ready. My mom and her friend Tiffany also took video and pictures, so when I get a free half hour I will post those here too. 

1 comment:

  1. Look forward to seeing the videos!

    Glad you guys had a nice Memorial Day weekend. :)
