Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Queen Mary with Holden and Riley

DJ just started sailing lessons at Rainbow Harbor in Long Beach as a result of a scholarship from the Shoreline Yacht Club. Lessons are every Saturday and Sunday for four hours, so I needed to find something to do for four hours with the kids in Long Beach.
For the first Saturday, we had lunch on the Queen Mary and were joined by newlyweds an good friends Ryan and Maria Leylund. Ryan and Maria chose a new last name for themselves by combining their former last names with mine. I feel special.
Sunday we went to the Leylunds house in Bemlont Shores for swimming in the Los Alamitos Bay. The kids loved it and I did too.
I don't know what else we can do next time, but there is an all ages drag show called The Brunchettes that sounds hilarious. Diversity!
Whatever we decide, I hope the Leylunds can join the Borklunds again.

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