Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Try Groupon If You Haven't Already

If you haven't checked out Groupon, please do. It's in most cities now and the savings are great. Basically, a company makes a great special that's usually like a $40 gift certificate for only $20. You buy it from Groupon and they email it to you but only if enough people buy it. If not enough people buy it, they never charge your card. You print out the certificate and use it like a gift certificate.

I have bought about six of these and used them all. I am not buying an Entertainment Book this year because of Groupon.

We were even thinking of doing a flying lesson Groupon. Most Groupons are restaurants, but I am seeing many other things too like Kayak rental, facials, massages, lessons, etc.

If you aren't signed up for it yet (most of my friends already are) please use this link. They say I will get $20 for each person that signs up and uses a Groupon by January 17.

Dustin "Coupon King" Borklund

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