Sunday, December 18, 2011

Riley's Soccer Season Ends

Everyone knows Riley loves soccer. Always has. But in previous seasons she would spend half the time on the sidelines. She enjoyed the camaraderie but never really got the competitive spirit to go after the balls and she would get winded easily.

This season, things were completely different. Riley would often play forward and would be relentless at going after the ball.

Coach Nick also put her at Goalie for half the game which Riley took to very well. The long periods of inaction with short bursts of critical defensive plays was perfect for Riley. She also has the right disposition. She never got down on her herself for missing a save or cried from the plain of falling down.  She wasn't afraid of the ball, either, which many 10 year old girls are.

During one of the playoff games, the score was tied after regulation time. The winner would go on to the championship and the loser would go home. Riley had played Goalie the first half and Forward the second half. Instead of a typical tie in the recordbooks, the playoff game had to end with a winner. The referees said it end in a ten shot shootout and whatever team scored the most goals in ten shots (from 5 girls from each team plus a goalie) would win. Coach put Riley in the goal to defend. She missed two saves but made the rest. However the other team gave up two goals also! A tie again! Now it was sudden death as Riley was called to shoot. It was unusual to get to this point - Goalies shooting. After all the stress of being Goalie at this critical shootout, Riley had to get up and score. All the parents from both teams were standing and shouting.

Yes, she did. Riley placed a perfect shot in the upper right corner of the goal and won the game for her team.

As is my policy, I gave her 5 bucks for the goal. So did a grandparent on the sidelines. Riley was struttin' that day with her $10 but more importantly saving the game for her teammates.

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