Sunday, April 1, 2012

Long Overdue Updates

Wow. It's been a long time since I have written on the blog. It's time for some updates.
Four weeks ago, my mom came from Mexico to get her bimonthly MRI. She stayed with me for a few days and even though it wasn't my weekend with all three kids, she was able to see them for a little while. We got to keep Holden though, so he did everything my mom and I did.

On Friday night, we went to try the gourmet food trucks that gather in a Fullerton Best Buy parking lot. At least a dozen food trucks lined up to serve the customers who are standing either in line or eating. Some folks make a night of it and put down their tailgate or bring lawn chairs and a bottle of wine. My mom has a special diet which normally makes it hard to order, but with the variety these trucks offer she was able to find a Portobello burger with some cancer-fighting toppings on top.

Two Saturdays ago we went to a carnival and auction at a Jewish Temple in Westminster. I bought wristbands for the kids thinking there would be rides like the St. Angeles Carnival in Brea, but no. They had one blow up house, one blow up Velcro wall, and about four carnival style games. The auction had lots of neat items to bid on but the silent auction went crazy in the last hour and everyone bid more than the value of the items near the end.  At the live auction portion, they auctioned off some dinners at people's houses. Each item up for bid is a dinner for you and your friends hosted by a couple. Cocktails and Vegas rules (what happens at the Steinbaum house, stays at the Steinbaum house. Oy Vay!) are included! Most of these dinners went for over $1,000 but I wish I could've justified bidding on that. I think it would be crazy to show up with three buddies and admit we're not Jewish but like Jewish food and love cocktails.

Everyone at the carnival were members of that Temple and knew each other. We were The Outsiders there, but we still had fun and everyone was nice and welcoming.

I took some video of Riley and Holden doing some of the younger kid games. In one game, the leader put headbands on all the kids and a pedometer on each headband. Then he played music and whichever kid had the highest count on his pedometer would win. Holden and Riley immediately picked up on the strategy that you could just nod your head a lot while you are dancing. So that's what they did. About twelve kids entered. Third place went to a kid with 17 on his pedometer. Holden was second place with 319 and Riley was first place with 357. No matter, each kid got the same prize – a fun size Skittles.

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