Sunday, January 27, 2013

Holden's 9th

We celebrated Holden's birthday over the weekend. Because we weren't sure if we were going to visit my mom or not, he distributed invitations to his Saturday birthday party on Friday at school. Four boys were able to come to the party. Riley invited one of her friends, too.

The boys needed no organized activities to have fun. Good thing, because I only took care of the food. I had no activities planned except I had Holden mention in the invitation that they could swim thinking I would heat up the Jacuzzi. When the boys got here they immediately got their suits on but I wasn't able to get the Jacuzzi heater on. The boys went in the cold pool anyway, each one daring the other. Half an hour later the Jacuzzi started to warm and they had a good time going back and forth. We had a Kings cake from Louisiana in front of the fire in the living room as Holden opened his presents.

Here he is with a few of his presents. He said it was the best birthday he ever had (in all of his nine years thus far).

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