Monday, March 11, 2013

Road Trip to San Jose

Notice how Holden looks a lot like Paul

Holden, Huong and I went to San Jose for her late husband's memorial. I borrowed a '13 Lexus GS from work (nice!) and got a room at the Hampton Inn. As a last minute surprise, we decided to bring Holden so that he could have "the talk" with me like I did with DJ when he was 9.

We dropped Holden off with the Batys (Paul, Shu and Sage) and then met for brunch the next morning to pick him up.

While in San Jose, we visited the science museum and ate Indian food. On the way back, we stopped at a fruit stand in Gilroy for some oranges and garlic ice cream.

Here are some picture and videos from that trip.

Shu, Sage and Holden

Me, Holden, Sage, Paul and Shu

At the dim sum restaurant. Paul, Shu, Sage, Holden, Huong and me.

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