Thursday, January 9, 2014

Death Valley

We just got back from a week-long trip to Death Valley - a first for the Borklunds.

Death Valley is large. We went on one or two hikes each day which usually involved walking about an hour into narrow canyons that partially protect you from the intense sun but we saw less than 10% of the magnificent valley. Our electronics didn't work well in Death Valley, so our time was used hiking in the daytime and sitting around the campfire at night. Winter has to be the best time of year to see Death Valley. The weather was mild and I can't imagine hiking up these dry falls and canyons in the record high temperatures that Death Valley is famous for.

We spent the first two nights in Furnace Creek, the second night in Stovepipe Wells, and the fourth night in Wagon Wheel, an OHV area on the way home in Trono, California. In Wagon Wheel, the kids discovered the Millers from Brea which is a family we have camped with before. Small world.

The Labelles traveled with us towing a trailer and we had our Navion RV. The fridge on the Navion quit on the first day, but I brought my icemaker for iced coffee so I was making ice and keeping it stainless steel bowls in the fridge to keep our food cool. We had plenty to eat and never needed to get more food or eat out.

DJ took a lot of video using his GoPro, so I look forward to seeing an edited version of the trip on Youtube someday soon. Riley took some pictures also but hasn't sent me a link yet.

The rest of my pictures are on Picasa here.

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