Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Cougar Buttes Mini Trip

We got to take a short camping trip less than two hours away to an area behind Apple Valley. Riley was away on her trip so it was just Huong, DJ, Holden and me in the Navion and Brian and Brock Labelle in their trailer. Brian brought dirt bikes and quads (thanks Brian!) and fireworks for night time. He is so well prepared on these trips it seems like he camps professionally.

I took Brian's dirt bike out once and it was only 20 minutes before I hit some sand and fell off injuring my leg and hip. Huong tried the quad for about 30 seconds. DJ and Holden tried various bikes and quads and did fine. Brian and Brock are excellent dirt bike riders and went on long rides by themselves.

DJ got to shoot while we were there. Holden got to climb rocks. Actually, we all climbed rocks as the smooth rock piles are irresistible.

At night time we did what boys will do and played with fire and fireworks. All, ahem, very safe and all that.

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