Friday, May 30, 2014

Video of the Last Days of Ed Havins

Ed Havins was my mom's husband for most of my life. That seems weird to me since they married after I was an adult, but it's true. So he was a fixture in my life and helped me in many ways. He was also a great grandpa although he preferred to experience grandkids one at a time... Luckily he was married to my mom and she enjoyed grandkids alone or in groups and Ed usually went along.

A few months after my mom died, Ed met Susan, a retired flight attendant. She was a perfect companion for him and made him happy. After he died, Susan compiled these pictures into a video that highlights the last few months of his life right up until the party in Mexico that Susan and Ed held to honor my mom. The night of the party, Ed died in his sleep of a heart attack. Some say he died of a broken heart, but he was as happy as I've ever seen him at that party and I think he just wanted to go out at the top of his game.

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