Thursday, August 28, 2014

Somebody Won an iPad

The owner of my insurance agency, Summer Group, called me at work to tell me to watch the video he just emailed to his customers. "I think you should watch it.", he said. I knew immediately that I won something but I played along and brought the video up on my phone. I had to act surprised but really I was just happy. Here is the video:

I know I am lucky even though I don't believe in luck as a paranormal phenomenon. I believe the more prepared you are, the luckier you get. However, when I think back to all the prizes I've won (including the car DJ drives, raffles at work, cakewalks, trade show raffles, etc.) that have little do to with preparation, skill or talent, I know that I am luckier than most people. I can't remember the last time I lost money in Vegas, for example, even if I only played chance games. The stocks I've picked have been nearly all winners.

DJ brought up a good point about my lifelong ability to play cards (there was a period of time when I relied upon poker winnings to make ends meet). He said, "Dad, what if you're not that good at poker - just lucky?" I have thought about that. I'm horrible at chess but I win at games that include an element of luck such as backgammon. The evidence seems to support his hypothesis. I am over confident in my mental ability primarily due to what poker players have called "a golden horseshoe shoved up [my] ass." I love to hear that when I'm scooping a big pot. You see, in poker, every win looks like luck.

Maybe some people just have a lifetime of good fortune. Maybe it's just attitude or maybe it's possible to win 50.1% of your even money bets over a lifetime which means you're always ahead. If so, I'm grateful it's me.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Best Seats at Angels Game

This is ironic. I decide to take Holden to an Angels game because he is starting to follow baseball. I overspend and pay $300 for tickets with a face value of $550 because I can't pass up a deal. Holden wants an Angels shirt to wear to the game, so we go to Goodwill and find one for $1.99 with no tax. 

The parking pass with its own entrance was way cool and the seats in the front row of field level were cool. The weather was not cool. The sun beat down on us the entire game. We brought food and water and Holden kept going to the snack bar for ice. Can't afford Cokes when we just spent a days wages on tickets, right? Holden did get a game ball when Eric Aybar tossed him one on his way into the dugout.

It's the most I've ever spent for a baseball game. Now I feel like I owe Riley and DJ an expensive outing doing something they like.

Pageant of the Masters

I brought the kids to Pageant of the Masters for the first time. Huong was travelling. We spent some time at Laguna Beach (which has two Starbucks but only one has seating) before having dinner and going to the show. Dinner was pita sandwiches from a popular place called Adonis Mediterranean Grill. At $10 each, they aren't cheap but they are overstuffed with the best ingredients you can get at a fast food gyro place. They have beef gyro and chicken only. Both meats are on vertical spits; the chicken one just stacked with a hundred or so marinated chicken breasts so when they slice it off it's against the grain and super tender white meat. Inside the pita is a delicious garlic yogurt spread, too.

The show itself was a little disappointing because the seats I got were too far away and we didn't bring binoculars. The scenes on the stage did look like paintings but anything at this distance looks like a painting. I wouldn't go next time unless I was near the front.