Friday, August 15, 2014

Best Seats at Angels Game

This is ironic. I decide to take Holden to an Angels game because he is starting to follow baseball. I overspend and pay $300 for tickets with a face value of $550 because I can't pass up a deal. Holden wants an Angels shirt to wear to the game, so we go to Goodwill and find one for $1.99 with no tax. 

The parking pass with its own entrance was way cool and the seats in the front row of field level were cool. The weather was not cool. The sun beat down on us the entire game. We brought food and water and Holden kept going to the snack bar for ice. Can't afford Cokes when we just spent a days wages on tickets, right? Holden did get a game ball when Eric Aybar tossed him one on his way into the dugout.

It's the most I've ever spent for a baseball game. Now I feel like I owe Riley and DJ an expensive outing doing something they like.

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