Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Carol

Happy 42 to Carol (Bennett) Ivancik who had a great karaoke and wine party last Saturday. I dropped off my three kids with Carol's two kids at a neighbor's house for Carol's no kids party.

My parents probably remember Carol well since we have been friends since about 1985. Except for her brother and mom, I was the one at the party who has known Carol the longest!

This is the second time I have brought Jisselle over to see Carol and family. As you can see they are now friends.

Carol got her voice from her mom who is a travelling singer. She always brings Ed, her companion, roadie and saxaphonist. This was my favorite part. I was thumbing through Carol's karaoke collection looking for some Glen Miller and Duke Ellington so I could sing with the sax man.

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