Saturday, December 13, 2014

Christmas Family Photo

Hey, look at my happy, attractive kids! Yes they are happy; those are genuine smiles. I hear about the challenges some parents have at my job and I know I'm a lucky dad. It seems strange to say I have a 10, 13 and 17 year-old! These kids are pretty great. Holden is just about to join the gymnastics team. Riley is focused on her trombone and school. DJ is looking forward to joining the Marines - this summer or after college.

1 comment:

  1. What a great picture! This comment is from your old neighbors in West Covina, the Casillas Family! You all have grown up so much and it is so nice to see you all. Carly was just saying the other day how much she missed going over your house and playing. She said her life was so simple worries, no pressure, just playing! I told her how lucky she was to have grown up with you. She's a freshman at Citrus College. She was recruited to swim on their women's team and she is considering playing water polo for their team next year. Robert graduated with his bachelor's degree in January and is working for Taco Bell's corporate offices on their computer info. systems help desk. He works nights from 5 pm to 2 am, sometimes from 6 pm to 3 am. They're both doing great! Carla and I are fine. She's still at UCLA Med Center and I work for a credit union in downtown LA. We hope you guys come by and visit with us soon. We'd really love to see all of you! Have a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year! Regards...Rick
