Thursday, December 25, 2014

Holden in the Kitchen

Holden has ADHD. When he is around his brother and sister, or his friends, he empties his energy reserves by jumping, whistling, dancing, or something else which might be annoying. When it's just the two of us, he does some kind of project like cooking. It might be because I don't react or get annoyed easily.

In this case, he made cookies. These were delicious Nutella cookies. They are like chocolate chip cookies with a Nutella center. After that, he cleaned up the cookie mess and started carving apples based on a Youtube he found. The swan you see what his first try. I love it when he does stuff like this.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen him since Alison and Jason's wedding! He is growing up too fast! I miss you guys, as does Richard. He grew quite fond of you and the kids. It was so great spending time with you all. xoxo
